Sunday, January 3, 2010

Two thousand and fine

I always complain about things on my blog.

Actually, it feels like I always complain about things in life in and outside the Internet.

So here is my top 10 list of things in 2009 (in no particular order).

  1. This American Life -- Like a pal of mine said, the quality of this podcast ranges from "Very, very good to life changing."
  2. The International Herald Tribune -- Really good paper. Great insights coupled with journalists who are experienced enough to attempt humour successfully.
  3. Magic Eight Ball -- You would not believe the amount of decisions it has made for me and the mistakes it has aided me to avoid.
  4. Red wine
  5. Lily Allen -- How did I not discover her earlier?
  6. Sesame Street you tube videos
  7. Pub Quiz -- I love the quiz master. I love the weak, overpriced cocktails that force you to put nagans in. I love it all.
  8. My gorgeous navy dress -- It cost me loads of euros, but it's so, so, so nice.
  9. Flossing -- Great idea. Only bad thing about it is I didn't start doing it properly many, many years ago.
  10. Being single -- Probably the hardest but probably the best thing that's happened to me all year.


  1. love it. sums you up this year! maybe I should try the same. I find it so difficult to remember the whole year, only 3 months at a time seem to stick in my memory.

  2. You should to a tri monthly top three!
